Pats Gameplan slogan

Pat's Gameplan: "Empowering Caregivers, Embracing Memories," Pat's Gameplan stands as a beacon of hope and strength, emphasizing that every memory is worth cherishing and every caregiver is worth celebrating. In the challenging journey of caring for patients with Alzheimer's and dementia, caregivers play an invaluable role, serving as the frontline defenders against the complexities and heartbreak these conditions can bring. "Pat's Gameplan" recognizes the often-overlooked heroes in this battle: the caregivers. Through its "Caring for Caregivers" initiative, Pat's Gameplan seeks to uplift and empower these devoted individuals, offering them the resources, support, and recognition they truly deserve. After all, while caregivers are tirelessly preserving the memories of their loved ones, it's essential that someone is there to care for them in return.


Regina's Story

Regina is from Lebanon, Tennessee and was a caregiver for her sister-in-law, Pearl.


Kim's Story

Kim has served as a caregiver for several family members.


Bob's Story

Bob is from Asheville, North Carolina and was a caregiver for his wife, Ann.


Dr. Ronald Peterson PhD, MD, FAAN

Dr. Petersen directs the Mayo Clinic Alzheimer's Disease Research Center and the Mayo Clinic Study of Aging, both of which involve the study and characterization of aging individuals over time with an emphasis on neuroimaging and biomarkers.


Angelia Nystrom Estate Attorney

Angelia is a licensed estate attorney with over 30 years experience in estate and real estate matters.


Tom Young Financial Planner

Tom is a certified financial planner that offers advice for caregivers in managing the estates of someone diagnosed with Alzheimer's.